Source code for geoopt.optim.rlinesearch

"""Riemannian Line Search.

This module implements line search on Riemannian manifolds using geoopt.
This module uses the same syntax as a Torch optimizer

from scipy.optimize.linesearch import scalar_search_wolfe2, scalar_search_armijo
import warnings
import torch
from .mixin import OptimMixin
from ..tensor import ManifoldParameter, ManifoldTensor
from ..manifolds import Euclidean

__all__ = ["RiemannianLineSearch"]

class LineSearchWarning(RuntimeWarning):

[docs]class RiemannianLineSearch(OptimMixin, torch.optim.Optimizer): r"""Riemannian line search optimizer. We try to minimize objective :math:`f\colon M\to \mathbb{R}`, in a search direction :math:`\eta`. This is done by minimizing the line search objective .. math:: \phi(\alpha) = f(R_x(\alpha\eta)), where :math:`R_x` is the retraction at :math:`x`. Its derivative is given by .. math:: \phi'(\alpha) = \langle\mathrm{grad} f(R_x(\alpha\eta)),\, \mathcal T_{\alpha\eta}(\eta) \rangle_{R_x(\alpha\eta)}, where :math:`\mathcal T_\xi(\eta)` denotes the vector transport of :math:`\eta` to the point :math:`R_x(\xi)`. The search direction :math:`\eta` is defined recursively by .. math:: \eta_{k+1} = -\mathrm{grad} f(R_{x_k}(\alpha_k\eta_k)) + \beta \mathcal T_{\alpha_k\eta_k}(\eta_k) Here :math:`\beta` is the scale parameter. If :math:`\beta=0` this is steepest descent, other choices are Riemannian version of Fletcher-Reeves and Polak-Ribière scale parameters. Common conditions to accept the new point are the Armijo / sufficient decrease condition: .. math:: \phi(\alpha)\leq \phi(0)+c_1\alpha\phi'(0) And additionally the curvature / (strong) Wolfe condition .. math:: \phi'(\alpha)\geq c_2\phi'(0) The Wolfe conditions are more restrictive, but guarantee that search direction :math:`\eta` is a descent direction. The constants :math:`c_1` and :math:`c_2` satisfy :math:`c_1\in (0,1)` and :math:`c_2\in (c_1,1)`. Parameters ---------- params : iterable iterable of parameters to optimize or dicts defining parameter groups line_search_method : ('wolfe', 'armijo', or callable) Which line_search_method to use. If callable it should be any method of signature `(phi, derphi, **kwargs) -> step_size`, where phi is scalar line search objective, and derphi is its derivative. If no suitable step size can be found, the method should return `None`. The following arguments are always passed in `**kwargs`: * **phi0:** float, Value of phi at 0 * **old_phi0:** float, Value of phi at previous point * **derphi0:** float, Value derphi at 0 * **old_derphi0:** float, Value of derphi at previous point * **old_step_size:** float, Stepsize at previous point If any of these arguments are undefined, they default to `None`. Additional arguments can be supplied through the `line_search_params` parameter line_search_params : dict Extra parameters to pass to `line_search_method`, for the parameters available to strong Wolfe see :meth:`strong_wolfe_line_search`. For Armijo backtracking parameters see :meth:`armijo_backtracking`. cg_method : ('steepest', 'fr', 'pr', or callable) Method used to compute the conjugate gradient scale parameter beta. If 'steepest', set the scale parameter to zero, which is equivalent to doing steepest descent. Use 'fr' for Fletcher-Reeves, or 'pr' for Polak-Ribière (NB: this setting requires an additional vector transport). If callable, it should be a function of signature `(params, states, **kwargs) -> beta`, where params are the parameters of this optimizer, states are the states associated to the parameters (self._states), and beta is a float giving the scale parameter. The keyword arguments are specified in optional parameter `cg_kwargs`. Other Paremeters ---------------- compute_derphi : bool, optional If True, compute the derivative of the line search objective phi for every trial step_size alpha. If alpha is not zero, this requires a vector transport and an extra gradient computation. This is always set True if `line_search_method='wolfe'` and False if `'armijo'`, but needs to be manually set for a user implemented line search method. transport_grad : bool, optional If True, the transport of the gradient to the new point is computed at the end of every step. Set to `True` if Polak-Ribière is used, otherwise defaults to `False`. transport_search_direction: bool, optional If True, transport the search direction to new point at end of every step. Set to False if steepest descent is used, True Otherwise. fallback_stepsize : float fallback_stepsize to take if no point can be found satisfying line search conditions. See also :meth:`step` (default: 1) stabilize : int Stabilize parameters if they are off-manifold due to numerical reasons every `stabilize` steps (default: `None` -- no stabilize) cg_kwargs : dict Additional parameters to pass to the method used to compute the conjugate gradient scale parameter. Attributes ---------- last_step_size : int or `None` Last step size taken. If `None` no suitable step size was found, and consequently no step was taken. step_size_history : List[int or `None`] List of all step sizes taken so far. line_search_method : callable line_search_params : dict cg_method : callable cg_kwargs : dict fallback_stepsize : float """ def __init__( self, params, line_search_method="armijo", line_search_params=None, cg_method="steepest", cg_kwargs=None, compute_derphi=True, transport_grad=False, transport_search_direction=True, fallback_stepsize=1, stabilize=None, ): defaults = dict( line_search_method=line_search_method, line_search_params=line_search_params, cg_method=cg_method, cg_kwargs=cg_kwargs, compute_derphi=compute_derphi, transport_grad=transport_grad, transport_search_direction=transport_search_direction, fallback_stepsize=fallback_stepsize, stabilize=stabilize, ) super(RiemannianLineSearch, self).__init__( params, defaults, stabilize=stabilize ) self._params = [] for group in self.param_groups: group.setdefault("step", 0) self._params.extend(group["params"]) if len(self.param_groups) > 1: warning_string = """Multiple parameter groups detected. Line search parameters will be taken from first group. """ warnings.warn(warning_string, UserWarning) self.compute_derphi = self.param_groups[0]["compute_derphi"] ls_method = self.param_groups[0]["line_search_method"] if ls_method == "wolfe": self.line_search_method = strong_wolfe_line_search self.compute_derphi = True elif ls_method == "armijo": self.line_search_method = armijo_backtracking self.compute_derphi = False elif callable(ls_method): self.line_search_method = ls_method else: raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized line search method '{ls_method}'") self.cg_kwargs = self.param_groups[0]["cg_kwargs"] if self.cg_kwargs is None: self.cg_kwargs = dict() self.transport_grad = self.param_groups[0]["transport_grad"] self.transport_search_direction = self.param_groups[0][ "transport_search_direction" ] cg_method = self.param_groups[0]["cg_method"] if cg_method in ("steepest", "constant"): self.cg_method = cg_constant self.transport_search_direction = False elif cg_method in ("fr", "fletcher-reeves"): self.cg_method = cg_fletcher_reeves elif cg_method in ("pr", "polak-ribiere"): self.cg_method = cg_polak_ribiere self.transport_grad = True elif callable(cg_method): self.cg_method = cg_method else: raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized scale parameter method '{cg_method}'") self.line_search_params = self.param_groups[0]["line_search_params"] if self.line_search_params is None: self.line_search_params = dict() self.fallback_stepsize = self.param_groups[0]["fallback_stepsize"] self.old_phi0 = None self.old_derphi0 = None self.step_size_history = [] self.last_step_size = None self._last_step = None self._grads_computed = False self.prev_loss = None self.closure = None self._step_size_dic = dict() def _phi(self, step_size): """Compute the line search objective, and store its derivatives in the state.""" if step_size in self._step_size_dic: return self._step_size_dic[step_size] param_copy = [param.clone() for param in self._params] for point in self._params: state = self.state[point] if "search_direction" not in state: # this shouldn't be possible actually raise ValueError("Search direction for parameter not computed.") if isinstance(point, (ManifoldParameter, ManifoldTensor)): manifold = point.manifold else: # Use euclidean manifold manifold = Euclidean() search_direction = state["search_direction"] # compute retract and transport in search direction if self.compute_derphi: new_point, search_transported = manifold.retr_transp( point, step_size * search_direction, search_direction ) # This should not have any effect, but it does new_point = manifold.projx(new_point) state["search_transported"] = manifold.proju( new_point, search_transported ) else: new_point = manifold.retr(point, step_size * search_direction) with torch.no_grad(): point.copy_(new_point) # recompute loss at new point phi = self.closure() if self.compute_derphi: # Store new gradients in state for point in self._params: grad = point.grad if grad is None: continue if isinstance(point, (ManifoldParameter, ManifoldTensor)): manifold = point.manifold else: # Use euclidean manifold manifold = Euclidean() state = self.state[point] # project gradient onto tangent space grad = manifold.egrad2rgrad(point, grad) state["new_grad"] = grad state["der_phi"] = torch.sum( manifold.inner(point, grad, state["search_transported"]) ).item() self._grads_computed = True # roll back parameters to before step, save new point is state with torch.no_grad(): for point, old_point in zip(self._params, param_copy): state = self.state[point] state["new_point"] = point.clone() point.copy_(old_point) self._step_size_dic[step_size] = phi self._last_step = step_size return phi def _derphi(self, step_size): """Compute derivative of phi. The derivative of phi is given by computing inner product between all tensor gradients at target point and those at source point. The source gradients are transported to the target point, and both gradients are projected. """ if not self.compute_derphi: raise ValueError("Cannot call _derphi if self.compute_derphi=False!") # Call _phi to compute gradients; Does nothing if _phi was # already called with this stepsize during this step self._phi(step_size) derphi = 0 for point in self._params: state = self.state[point] if "der_phi" not in state: continue derphi += state["der_phi"] return derphi def _init_loss(self, recompute_gradients=False): """Compute loss, gradients and search direction at start of line search. Use `recompute_gradients=True` if gradients have changed between consecutive calls of `step`. """ if recompute_gradients or (not self._grads_computed): loss = self.closure() reuse_grads = False else: loss = self.prev_loss reuse_grads = True self._step_size_dic = dict() for point in self._params: state = self.state[point] if isinstance(point, (ManifoldParameter, ManifoldTensor)): manifold = point.manifold else: # Use euclidean manifold manifold = Euclidean() if reuse_grads: grad = state["new_grad"] else: grad = point.grad grad = manifold.egrad2rgrad(point, grad) if "grad" in state: state["prev_grad"] = state["grad"] state["prev_grad_norm_squared"] = torch.sum( manifold.inner(point, state["grad"]) ).item() state["grad"] = grad derphi0 = self._compute_search_direction() self._grads_computed = True return loss, derphi0 def _compute_search_direction(self): """Compute the search direction. If the direction is not a descent direction, revert to steepest descent. """ first_time = False for point in self._params: state = self.state[point] if "search_direction" not in state: state["search_direction"] = -state["grad"] first_time = True if not first_time: beta = self.cg_method(self._params, self.state, **self.cg_kwargs) for point in self._params: state = self.state[point] if beta != 0: state["search_direction"] = ( -state["grad"] + beta * state["search_transported"] ) else: state["search_direction"] = -state["grad"] # Deriphative of phi at zero is inner product grad and search direction derphi0 = 0 for point in self._params: state = self.state[point] if isinstance(point, (ManifoldParameter, ManifoldTensor)): manifold = point.manifold else: # Use euclidean manifold manifold = Euclidean() derphi0 += torch.sum( manifold.inner(point, state["grad"], state["search_direction"]) ).item() # If search direction is not a descent direction, revert to gradient if derphi0 >= 0: derphi0 = 0 for point in self._params: state = self.state[point] if isinstance(point, (ManifoldParameter, ManifoldTensor)): manifold = point.manifold else: # Use euclidean manifold manifold = Euclidean() derphi0 -= torch.sum(manifold.inner(point, state["grad"])).item() state["search_direction"] = -state["grad"] return derphi0
[docs] def step(self, closure, force_step=False, recompute_gradients=False, no_step=False): """Do a linesearch step. Parameters ---------- closure : callable A closure that reevaluates the model and returns the loss. force_step : bool (optional) If `True`, take a unit step of size `self.fallback_stepsize` if no suitable step size can be found. If `False`, no step is taken in this situation. (default: `False`) recompute_gradients : bool (optional) If True, recompute the gradients. Use this if the parameters have changed in between consecutive steps. (default: False) no_step : bool (optional) If True, just compute step size and do not perform the step. (default: False) """ self.closure = closure phi0, derphi0 = self._init_loss(recompute_gradients=recompute_gradients) self._step_size_dic = dict() phi_information = { "phi0": phi0, "derphi0": derphi0, "old_phi0": self.old_phi0, "old_derphi0": self.old_derphi0, "old_step_size": self.last_step_size, } step_size = self.line_search_method( self._phi, self._derphi, **phi_information, **self.line_search_params ) self.step_size_history.append(step_size) self.last_step_size = step_size self.old_phi0 = phi0 self.old_derphi0 = derphi0 # Ensure that the last step for which we computed the closure coincides with # proposed step size, so that we can reuse the gradients and retract. # This is very rare, and should only happen if force_step=True and no stepsize # was found, or for user-defined linesearch methods. if self._last_step != step_size or not self.compute_derphi: self._grads_computed = False redo_retract = self._last_step != step_size # If it fails to find a good step, probably we have convergence if step_size is None: if force_step: step_size = self.fallback_stepsize self._grads_computed = False elif ( self.last_step_size is None ): # Warn if step_size is None twice in a row warning_string = """No suitable step size could be found, and no step was taken. Call `step` with `force_step=True` to take a step anyway. """ warnings.warn(warning_string, LineSearchWarning) for point in self._params: if step_size is None or no_step: continue state = self.state[point] if "search_direction" not in state: continue if isinstance(point, (ManifoldParameter, ManifoldTensor)): manifold = point.manifold else: # Use euclidean manifold manifold = Euclidean() search_direction = state["search_direction"] # Compute retract if suggested step size is not the last one we tried (rare) if redo_retract: new_point = manifold.retr(point, step_size * search_direction) else: new_point = state["new_point"] # Use retract to perform the step, and transport the search direction if self.transport_search_direction: search_transported = manifold.transp_follow_retr( point, step_size * search_direction, search_direction ) state["search_transported"] = search_transported if self.transport_grad: grad_transport = manifold.transp_follow_retr( point, step_size * search_direction, state["grad"] ) state["grad_transported"] = grad_transport with torch.no_grad(): # Take suggested step point.copy_(new_point) for group in self.param_groups: group["step"] += 1 if ( group["stabilize"] is not None and group["step"] % group["stabilize"] == 0 ): self.stabilize_group(group) # Update loss value if step_size is not None: new_loss = self._phi(step_size) self.prev_loss = new_loss else: new_loss = self.prev_loss return new_loss
def stabilize_group(self, group): for p in group["params"]: if not isinstance(p, (ManifoldParameter, ManifoldTensor)): continue state = self.state[p] if not state: # due to None grads continue manifold = p.manifold p.copy_(manifold.projx(p))
################################################################################# # Conjugate gradient scale factor ################################################################################# def cg_constant(params, states, alpha=0, **kwargs): """Constant scale parameter. If alpha=0, then this is steepest descent.""" return alpha def cg_fletcher_reeves(params, states, **kwargs): r"""Fletcher-Reeves scale parameter. This is given by .. math:: \beta_{k+1}^{FR} = \frac{\langle\nabla f(x_{k+1},\, \nabla f(x_{k+1}\rangle_{x_{k+1}} {\langle\nabla f(x_k),\nabla f(x_k)\rangle_{x_k}} """ numerator = 0 denominator = 0 for point in params: state = states[point] # Can't compute beta, probably first step hasn't been taken yet if "prev_grad_norm_squared" not in state: return 0 if isinstance(point, (ManifoldParameter, ManifoldTensor)): manifold = point.manifold else: # Use euclidean manifold manifold = Euclidean() numerator += torch.sum(manifold.inner(point, state["grad"])).item() denominator += state["prev_grad_norm_squared"] if denominator == 0: return 0 else: return numerator / denominator def cg_polak_ribiere(params, states, **kwargs): r"""Polak-Ribière scale parameter. This is given by .. math:: \beta_{k+1}^{PR} = \frac{\langle\nabla f(x_{k+1} ,\,\nabla f(x_{k+1})-\mathcal T_{\alpha_k\eta_k}\nabla f(x_k)\rangle_{x_{k+1}}} {\langle\nabla f(x_k),\,\nabla f(x_k)\rangle_{x_k}} """ numerator = 0 denominator = 0 for point in params: state = states[point] # Can't compute beta, probably first step hasn't been taken yet. if "grad_transported" not in state: return 0 if isinstance(point, (ManifoldParameter, ManifoldTensor)): manifold = point.manifold else: # Use euclidean manifold manifold = Euclidean() numerator += torch.sum( manifold.inner( point, state["grad"], state["grad"] - state["grad_transported"] ) ).item() denominator += state["prev_grad_norm_squared"] if denominator == 0: return 0 else: return numerator / denominator ################################################################################# # Line search methods ################################################################################# def strong_wolfe_line_search( phi, derphi, phi0=None, old_phi0=None, derphi0=None, c1=1e-4, c2=0.9, amax=None, **kwargs, ): """ Scalar line search method to find step size satisfying strong Wolfe conditions. Parameters ---------- c1 : float, optional Parameter for Armijo condition rule. c2 : float, optional Parameter for curvature condition rule. amax : float, optional Maximum step size Returns ------- step_size : float The next step size """ step_size, _, _, _ = scalar_search_wolfe2( phi, derphi, phi0=phi0, old_phi0=old_phi0, c1=c1, c2=c2, amax=amax, ) return step_size def armijo_backtracking( phi, derphi, phi0=None, derphi0=None, old_phi0=None, c1=1e-4, amin=0, amax=None, **kwargs, ): """Scalar line search method to find step size satisfying Armijo conditions. Parameters ---------- c1 : float, optional Parameter for Armijo condition rule. amax, amin : float, optional Maxmimum and minimum step size """ # TODO: Allow different schemes to choose initial step size if old_phi0 is not None and derphi0 != 0: alpha0 = 1.01 * 2 * (phi0 - old_phi0) / derphi0 else: alpha0 = 1.0 if alpha0 <= 0: alpha0 = 1.0 if amax is not None: alpha0 = min(alpha0, amax) step_size, _ = scalar_search_armijo( phi, phi0, derphi0, c1=c1, alpha0=alpha0, amin=amin ) return step_size