\(\kappa\)-Stereographic Projection model

Stereographic projection models comes to bind constant curvature spaces. Such as spheres, hyperboloids and regular Euclidean manifold. Let’s look at what does this mean. As we mentioned constant curvature, let’s name this constant \(\kappa\).

Hyperbolic spaces

Hyperbolic space is a constant negative curvature (\(\kappa < 0\)) Riemannian manifold. (A very simple example of Riemannian manifold with constant, but positive curvature is sphere, we’ll be back to it later)

An (N+1)-dimensional hyperboloid spans the manifold that can be embedded into N-dimensional space via projections.


Originally, the distance between points on the hyperboloid is defined as

\[d(x, y) = \operatorname{arccosh}(x, y)\]

Not to work with this manifold, it is convenient to project the hyperboloid onto a plane. We can do it in many ways recovering embedded manifolds with different properties (usually numerical). To connect constant curvature manifolds we better use Poincare ball model (aka stereographic projection model).

Poincare Model


Grid of Geodesics for \(\kappa=-1\), credits to Andreas Bloch

First of all we note, that Poincare ball is embedded in a Sphere of radius \(r=1/\sqrt{\kappa}\), where c is negative curvature. We also note, as \(\kappa\) goes to \(0\), we recover infinite radius ball. We should expect this limiting behaviour recovers Euclidean geometry.

Spherical Spaces

Another case of constant curvature manifolds is sphere. Unlike Hyperboloid this manifold is compact and has positive \(\kappa\). But still we can embed a sphere onto a plane ignoring one of the poles.


Once we project sphere on the plane we have the following geodesics


Grid of Geodesics for \(\kappa=1\), credits to Andreas Bloch

Again, similarly to Poincare ball case, we have Euclidean geometry limiting \(\kappa\) to \(0\).

Universal Curvature Manifold

To connect Euclidean space with its embedded manifold we need to get \(g^\kappa_x\). It is done via conformal factor \(\lambda^\kappa_x\). Note, that the metric tensor is conformal, which means all angles between tangent vectors are remained the same compared to what we calculate ignoring manifold structure.

The functions for the mathematics in gyrovector spaces are taken from the following resources:

[1] Ganea, Octavian, Gary Bécigneul, and Thomas Hofmann. “Hyperbolic
neural networks.” Advances in neural information processing systems. 2018.
[2] Bachmann, Gregor, Gary Bécigneul, and Octavian-Eugen Ganea. “Constant
Curvature Graph Convolutional Networks.” arXiv preprint arXiv:1911.05076 (2019).
[3] Skopek, Ondrej, Octavian-Eugen Ganea, and Gary Bécigneul.
“Mixed-curvature Variational Autoencoders.” arXiv preprint arXiv:1911.08411 (2019).
[4] Ungar, Abraham A. Analytic hyperbolic geometry: Mathematical
foundations and applications. World Scientific, 2005.
[5] Albert, Ungar Abraham. Barycentric calculus in Euclidean and
hyperbolic geometry: A comparative introduction. World Scientific, 2010.
geoopt.manifolds.stereographic.math.lambda_x(x: torch.Tensor, *, k: torch.Tensor, keepdim=False, dim=-1)[source]

Compute the conformal factor \(\lambda^\kappa_x\) for a point on the ball.

\[\lambda^\kappa_x = \frac{2}{1 + \kappa \|x\|_2^2}\]
  • x (tensor) – point on the Poincare ball
  • k (tensor) – sectional curvature of manifold
  • keepdim (bool) – retain the last dim? (default: false)
  • dim (int) – reduction dimension

conformal factor

Return type:


\(\lambda^\kappa_x\) connects Euclidean inner product with Riemannian one

geoopt.manifolds.stereographic.math.inner(x: torch.Tensor, u: torch.Tensor, v: torch.Tensor, *, k, keepdim=False, dim=-1)[source]

Compute inner product for two vectors on the tangent space w.r.t Riemannian metric on the Poincare ball.

\[\langle u, v\rangle_x = (\lambda^\kappa_x)^2 \langle u, v \rangle\]
  • x (tensor) – point on the Poincare ball
  • u (tensor) – tangent vector to \(x\) on Poincare ball
  • v (tensor) – tangent vector to \(x\) on Poincare ball
  • k (tensor) – sectional curvature of manifold
  • keepdim (bool) – retain the last dim? (default: false)
  • dim (int) – reduction dimension

inner product

Return type:


geoopt.manifolds.stereographic.math.norm(x: torch.Tensor, u: torch.Tensor, *, k: torch.Tensor, keepdim=False, dim=-1)[source]

Compute vector norm on the tangent space w.r.t Riemannian metric on the Poincare ball.

\[\|u\|_x = \lambda^\kappa_x \|u\|_2\]
  • x (tensor) – point on the Poincare ball
  • u (tensor) – tangent vector to \(x\) on Poincare ball
  • k (tensor) – sectional curvature of manifold
  • keepdim (bool) – retain the last dim? (default: false)
  • dim (int) – reduction dimension

norm of vector

Return type:


geoopt.manifolds.stereographic.math.egrad2rgrad(x: torch.Tensor, grad: torch.Tensor, *, k: torch.Tensor, dim=-1)[source]

Convert the Euclidean gradient to the Riemannian gradient.

\[\nabla_x = \nabla^E_x / (\lambda_x^\kappa)^2\]
  • x (tensor) – point on the manifold
  • grad (tensor) – Euclidean gradient for \(x\)
  • k (tensor) – sectional curvature of manifold
  • dim (int) – reduction dimension for operations

Riemannian gradient \(u\in T_x\mathcal{M}_\kappa^n\)

Return type:



The good thing about Poincare ball is that it forms a Gyrogroup. Minimal definition of a Gyrogroup assumes a binary operation \(*\) defined that satisfies a set of properties.

Left identity
For every element \(a\in G\) there exist \(e\in G\) such that \(e * a = a\).
Left Inverse
For every element \(a\in G\) there exist \(b\in G\) such that \(b * a = e\)
For any \(a,b,c\in G\) there exist \(gyr[a, b]c\in G\) such that \(a * (b * c)=(a * b) * gyr[a, b]c\)
\(gyr[a, b]\) is a magma automorphism in G
Left loop
\(gyr[a, b] = gyr[a * b, b]\)

As mentioned above, hyperbolic space forms a Gyrogroup equipped with

geoopt.manifolds.stereographic.math.mobius_add(x: torch.Tensor, y: torch.Tensor, *, k: torch.Tensor, dim=-1)[source]

Compute the Möbius gyrovector addition.

\[x \oplus_\kappa y = \frac{ (1 - 2 \kappa \langle x, y\rangle - \kappa \|y\|^2_2) x + (1 + \kappa \|x\|_2^2) y }{ 1 - 2 \kappa \langle x, y\rangle + \kappa^2 \|x\|^2_2 \|y\|^2_2 }\]

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)


In general this operation is not commutative:

\[x \oplus_\kappa y \ne y \oplus_\kappa x\]

But in some cases this property holds:

  • zero vector case
\[\mathbf{0} \oplus_\kappa x = x \oplus_\kappa \mathbf{0}\]
  • zero curvature case that is same as Euclidean addition
\[x \oplus_0 y = y \oplus_0 x\]

Another useful property is so called left-cancellation law:

\[(-x) \oplus_\kappa (x \oplus_\kappa y) = y\]
  • x (tensor) – point on the manifold
  • y (tensor) – point on the manifold
  • k (tensor) – sectional curvature of manifold
  • dim (int) – reduction dimension for operations

the result of the Möbius addition

Return type:


geoopt.manifolds.stereographic.math.gyration(a: torch.Tensor, b: torch.Tensor, u: torch.Tensor, *, k: torch.Tensor, dim=-1)[source]

Compute the gyration of \(u\) by \([a,b]\).

The gyration is a special operation of gyrovector spaces. The gyrovector space addition operation \(\oplus_\kappa\) is not associative (as mentioned in mobius_add()), but it is gyroassociative, which means

\[u \oplus_\kappa (v \oplus_\kappa w) = (u\oplus_\kappa v) \oplus_\kappa \operatorname{gyr}[u, v]w,\]


\[\operatorname{gyr}[u, v]w = \ominus (u \oplus_\kappa v) \oplus (u \oplus_\kappa (v \oplus_\kappa w))\]

We can simplify this equation using the explicit formula for the Möbius addition [1]. Recall,

\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}\begin{split}A = - \kappa^2 \langle u, w\rangle \langle v, v\rangle - \kappa \langle v, w\rangle + 2 \kappa^2 \langle u, v\rangle \langle v, w\rangle\\ B = - \kappa^2 \langle v, w\rangle \langle u, u\rangle + \kappa \langle u, w\rangle\\ D = 1 - 2 \kappa \langle u, v\rangle + \kappa^2 \langle u, u\rangle \langle v, v\rangle\\\end{split}\\\operatorname{gyr}[u, v]w = w + 2 \frac{A u + B v}{D}.\end{aligned}\end{align} \]
  • a (tensor) – first point on manifold
  • b (tensor) – second point on manifold
  • u (tensor) – vector field for operation
  • k (tensor) – sectional curvature of manifold
  • dim (int) – reduction dimension for operations

the result of automorphism

Return type:



[1] A. A. Ungar (2009), A Gyrovector Space Approach to Hyperbolic Geometry

Using this math, it is possible to define another useful operations

geoopt.manifolds.stereographic.math.mobius_sub(x: torch.Tensor, y: torch.Tensor, *, k: torch.Tensor, dim=-1)[source]

Compute the Möbius gyrovector subtraction.

The Möbius subtraction can be represented via the Möbius addition as follows:

\[x \ominus_\kappa y = x \oplus_\kappa (-y)\]
  • x (tensor) – point on manifold
  • y (tensor) – point on manifold
  • k (tensor) – sectional curvature of manifold
  • dim (int) – reduction dimension for operations

the result of the Möbius subtraction

Return type:


geoopt.manifolds.stereographic.math.mobius_scalar_mul(r: torch.Tensor, x: torch.Tensor, *, k: torch.Tensor, dim=-1)[source]

Compute the Möbius scalar multiplication.

\[r \otimes_\kappa x = \tan_\kappa(r\tan_\kappa^{-1}(\|x\|_2))\frac{x}{\|x\|_2}\]

This operation has properties similar to the Euclidean scalar multiplication

  • n-addition property
\[r \otimes_\kappa x = x \oplus_\kappa \dots \oplus_\kappa x\]
  • Distributive property
\[(r_1 + r_2) \otimes_\kappa x = r_1 \otimes_\kappa x \oplus r_2 \otimes_\kappa x\]
  • Scalar associativity
\[(r_1 r_2) \otimes_\kappa x = r_1 \otimes_\kappa (r_2 \otimes_\kappa x)\]
  • Monodistributivity
\[r \otimes_\kappa (r_1 \otimes x \oplus r_2 \otimes x) = r \otimes_\kappa (r_1 \otimes x) \oplus r \otimes (r_2 \otimes x)\]
  • Scaling property
\[|r| \otimes_\kappa x / \|r \otimes_\kappa x\|_2 = x/\|x\|_2\]
  • r (tensor) – scalar for multiplication
  • x (tensor) – point on manifold
  • k (tensor) – sectional curvature of manifold
  • dim (int) – reduction dimension for operations

the result of the Möbius scalar multiplication

Return type:


geoopt.manifolds.stereographic.math.mobius_pointwise_mul(w: torch.Tensor, x: torch.Tensor, *, k: torch.Tensor, dim=-1)[source]

Compute the generalization for point-wise multiplication in gyrovector spaces.

The Möbius pointwise multiplication is defined as follows

\[\operatorname{diag}(w) \otimes_\kappa x = \tan_\kappa\left( \frac{\|\operatorname{diag}(w)x\|_2}{x}\tanh^{-1}(\|x\|_2) \right)\frac{\|\operatorname{diag}(w)x\|_2}{\|x\|_2}\]
  • w (tensor) – weights for multiplication (should be broadcastable to x)
  • x (tensor) – point on manifold
  • k (tensor) – sectional curvature of manifold
  • dim (int) – reduction dimension for operations

Möbius point-wise mul result

Return type:


geoopt.manifolds.stereographic.math.mobius_matvec(m: torch.Tensor, x: torch.Tensor, *, k: torch.Tensor, dim=-1)[source]

Compute the generalization of matrix-vector multiplication in gyrovector spaces.

The Möbius matrix vector operation is defined as follows:

\[M \otimes_\kappa x = \tan_\kappa\left( \frac{\|Mx\|_2}{\|x\|_2}\tan_\kappa^{-1}(\|x\|_2) \right)\frac{Mx}{\|Mx\|_2}\]

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)

  • m (tensor) – matrix for multiplication. Batched matmul is performed if m.dim() > 2, but only last dim reduction is supported
  • x (tensor) – point on manifold
  • k (tensor) – sectional curvature of manifold
  • dim (int) – reduction dimension for operations

Möbius matvec result

Return type:


geoopt.manifolds.stereographic.math.mobius_fn_apply(fn: callable, x: torch.Tensor, *args, k: torch.Tensor, dim=-1, **kwargs)[source]

Compute the generalization of function application in gyrovector spaces.

First, a gyrovector is mapped to the tangent space (first-order approx.) via \(\operatorname{log}^\kappa_0\) and then the function is applied to the vector in the tangent space. The resulting tangent vector is then mapped back with \(\operatorname{exp}^\kappa_0\).

\[f^{\otimes_\kappa}(x) = \operatorname{exp}^\kappa_0(f(\operatorname{log}^\kappa_0(y)))\]

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)

  • x (tensor) – point on manifold
  • fn (callable) – function to apply
  • k (tensor) – sectional curvature of manifold
  • dim (int) – reduction dimension for operations

Result of function in hyperbolic space

Return type:


geoopt.manifolds.stereographic.math.mobius_fn_apply_chain(x: torch.Tensor, *fns, k: torch.Tensor, dim=-1)[source]

Compute the generalization of sequential function application in gyrovector spaces.

First, a gyrovector is mapped to the tangent space (first-order approx.) via \(\operatorname{log}^\kappa_0\) and then the sequence of functions is applied to the vector in the tangent space. The resulting tangent vector is then mapped back with \(\operatorname{exp}^\kappa_0\).

\[f^{\otimes_\kappa}(x) = \operatorname{exp}^\kappa_0(f(\operatorname{log}^\kappa_0(y)))\]

The definition of mobius function application allows chaining as

\[y = \operatorname{exp}^\kappa_0(\operatorname{log}^\kappa_0(y))\]

Resulting in

\[(f \circ g)^{\otimes_\kappa}(x) = \operatorname{exp}^\kappa_0( (f \circ g) (\operatorname{log}^\kappa_0(y)) )\]
  • x (tensor) – point on manifold
  • fns (callable[]) – functions to apply
  • k (tensor) – sectional curvature of manifold
  • dim (int) – reduction dimension for operations

Apply chain result

Return type:



Now we are ready to proceed with studying distances, geodesics, exponential maps and more

geoopt.manifolds.stereographic.math.dist(x: torch.Tensor, y: torch.Tensor, *, k: torch.Tensor, keepdim=False, dim=-1)[source]

Compute the geodesic distance between \(x\) and \(y\) on the manifold.

\[d_\kappa(x, y) = 2\tan_\kappa^{-1}(\|(-x)\oplus_\kappa y\|_2)\]

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)

  • x (tensor) – point on manifold
  • y (tensor) – point on manifold
  • k (tensor) – sectional curvature of manifold
  • keepdim (bool) – retain the last dim? (default: false)
  • dim (int) – reduction dimension

geodesic distance between \(x\) and \(y\)

Return type:


geoopt.manifolds.stereographic.math.dist2plane(x: torch.Tensor, p: torch.Tensor, a: torch.Tensor, *, k: torch.Tensor, keepdim=False, signed=False, scaled=False, dim=-1)[source]

Geodesic distance from \(x\) to a hyperplane \(H_{a, b}\).

The hyperplane is such that its set of points is orthogonal to \(a\) and contains \(p\).

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)


To form an intuition what is a hyperplane in gyrovector spaces, let’s first consider an Euclidean hyperplane

\[H_{a, b} = \left\{ x \in \mathbb{R}^n\;:\;\langle x, a\rangle - b = 0 \right\},\]

where \(a\in \mathbb{R}^n\backslash \{\mathbf{0}\}\) and \(b\in \mathbb{R}^n\).

This formulation of a hyperplane is hard to generalize, therefore we can rewrite \(\langle x, a\rangle - b\) utilizing orthogonal completion. Setting any \(p\) s.t. \(b=\langle a, p\rangle\) we have

\[\begin{split}H_{a, b} = \left\{ x \in \mathbb{R}^n\;:\;\langle x, a\rangle - b = 0 \right\}\\ =H_{a, \langle a, p\rangle} = \tilde{H}_{a, p}\\ = \left\{ x \in \mathbb{R}^n\;:\;\langle x, a\rangle - \langle a, p\rangle = 0 \right\}\\ =\left\{ x \in \mathbb{R}^n\;:\;\langle -p + x, a\rangle = 0 \right\}\\ = p + \{a\}^\perp\end{split}\]

Naturally we have a set \(\{a\}^\perp\) with applied \(+\) operator to each element. Generalizing a notion of summation to the gyrovector space we replace \(+\) with \(\oplus_\kappa\).

Next, we should figure out what is \(\{a\}^\perp\) in the gyrovector space.

First thing that we should acknowledge is that notion of orthogonality is defined for vectors in tangent spaces. Let’s consider now \(p\in \mathcal{M}_\kappa^n\) and \(a\in T_p\mathcal{M}_\kappa^n\backslash \{\mathbf{0}\}\).

Slightly deviating from traditional notation let’s write \(\{a\}_p^\perp\) highlighting the tight relationship of \(a\in T_p\mathcal{M}_\kappa^n\backslash \{\mathbf{0}\}\) with \(p \in \mathcal{M}_\kappa^n\). We then define

\[\{a\}_p^\perp := \left\{ z\in T_p\mathcal{M}_\kappa^n \;:\; \langle z, a\rangle_p = 0 \right\}\]

Recalling that a tangent vector \(z\) for point \(p\) yields \(x = \operatorname{exp}^\kappa_p(z)\) we rewrite the above equation as

\[\{a\}_p^\perp := \left\{ x\in \mathcal{M}_\kappa^n \;:\; \langle \operatorname{log}_p^\kappa(x), a\rangle_p = 0 \right\}\]

This formulation is something more pleasant to work with. Putting all together

\[\begin{split}\tilde{H}_{a, p}^\kappa = p + \{a\}^\perp_p\\ = \left\{ x \in \mathcal{M}_\kappa^n\;:\;\langle \operatorname{log}^\kappa_p(x), a\rangle_p = 0 \right\} \\ = \left\{ x \in \mathcal{M}_\kappa^n\;:\;\langle -p \oplus_\kappa x, a\rangle = 0 \right\}\end{split}\]

To compute the distance \(d_\kappa(x, \tilde{H}_{a, p}^\kappa)\) we find

\[\begin{split}d_\kappa(x, \tilde{H}_{a, p}^\kappa) = \inf_{w\in \tilde{H}_{a, p}^\kappa} d_\kappa(x, w)\\ = \sin^{-1}_\kappa\left\{ \frac{ 2 |\langle(-p)\oplus_\kappa x, a\rangle| }{ (1+\kappa\|(-p)\oplus_\kappa \|x\|^2_2)\|a\|_2 } \right\}\end{split}\]
  • x (tensor) – point on manifold to compute distance for
  • a (tensor) – hyperplane normal vector in tangent space of \(p\)
  • p (tensor) – point on manifold lying on the hyperplane
  • k (tensor) – sectional curvature of manifold
  • keepdim (bool) – retain the last dim? (default: false)
  • signed (bool) – return signed distance
  • scaled (bool) – scale distance by tangent norm
  • dim (int) – reduction dimension for operations

distance to the hyperplane

Return type:


geoopt.manifolds.stereographic.math.parallel_transport(x: torch.Tensor, y: torch.Tensor, v: torch.Tensor, *, k: torch.Tensor, dim=-1)[source]

Compute the parallel transport of \(v\) from \(x\) to \(y\).

The parallel transport is essential for adaptive algorithms on Riemannian manifolds. For gyrovector spaces the parallel transport is expressed through the gyration.

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)


To recover parallel transport we first need to study isomorphisms between gyrovectors and vectors. The reason is that originally, parallel transport is well defined for gyrovectors as

\[P_{x\to y}(z) = \operatorname{gyr}[y, -x]z,\]

where \(x,\:y,\:z \in \mathcal{M}_\kappa^n\) and \(\operatorname{gyr}[a, b]c = \ominus (a \oplus_\kappa b) \oplus_\kappa (a \oplus_\kappa (b \oplus_\kappa c))\)

But we want to obtain parallel transport for vectors, not for gyrovectors. The blessing is the isomorphism mentioned above. This mapping is given by

\[U^\kappa_p \: : \: T_p\mathcal{M}_\kappa^n \to \mathbb{G} = v \mapsto \lambda^\kappa_p v\]

Finally, having the points \(x,\:y \in \mathcal{M}_\kappa^n\) and a tangent vector \(u\in T_x\mathcal{M}_\kappa^n\) we obtain

\[\begin{split}P^\kappa_{x\to y}(v) = (U^\kappa_y)^{-1}\left(\operatorname{gyr}[y, -x] U^\kappa_x(v)\right)\\ = \operatorname{gyr}[y, -x] v \lambda^\kappa_x / \lambda^\kappa_y\end{split}\]

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)

  • x (tensor) – starting point
  • y (tensor) – end point
  • v (tensor) – tangent vector at x to be transported to y
  • k (tensor) – sectional curvature of manifold
  • dim (int) – reduction dimension for operations

transported vector

Return type:


geoopt.manifolds.stereographic.math.geodesic(t: torch.Tensor, x: torch.Tensor, y: torch.Tensor, *, k: torch.Tensor, dim=-1)[source]

Compute the point on the path connecting \(x\) and \(y\) at time \(x\).

The path can also be treated as an extension of the line segment to an unbounded geodesic that goes through \(x\) and \(y\). The equation of the geodesic is given as:

\[\gamma_{x\to y}(t) = x \oplus_\kappa t \otimes_\kappa ((-x) \oplus_\kappa y)\]

The properties of the geodesic are the following:

\[\begin{split}\gamma_{x\to y}(0) = x\\ \gamma_{x\to y}(1) = y\\ \dot\gamma_{x\to y}(t) = v\end{split}\]

Furthermore, the geodesic also satisfies the property of local distance minimization:

\[d_\kappa(\gamma_{x\to y}(t_1), \gamma_{x\to y}(t_2)) = v|t_1-t_2|\]

“Natural parametrization” of the curve ensures unit speed geodesics which yields the above formula with \(v=1\).

However, we can always compute the constant speed \(v\) from the points that the particular path connects:

\[v = d_\kappa(\gamma_{x\to y}(0), \gamma_{x\to y}(1)) = d_\kappa(x, y)\]
  • t (tensor) – travelling time
  • x (tensor) – starting point on manifold
  • y (tensor) – target point on manifold
  • k (tensor) – sectional curvature of manifold
  • dim (int) – reduction dimension for operations

point on the geodesic going through x and y

Return type:


geoopt.manifolds.stereographic.math.geodesic_unit(t: torch.Tensor, x: torch.Tensor, u: torch.Tensor, *, k: torch.Tensor, dim=-1)[source]

Compute the point on the unit speed geodesic.

The point on the unit speed geodesic at time \(t\), starting from \(x\) with initial direction \(u/\|u\|_x\) is computed as follows:

\[\gamma_{x,u}(t) = x\oplus_\kappa \tan_\kappa(t/2) \frac{u}{\|u\|_2}\]
  • t (tensor) – travelling time
  • x (tensor) – initial point on manifold
  • u (tensor) – initial direction in tangent space at x
  • k (tensor) – sectional curvature of manifold
  • dim (int) – reduction dimension for operations

the point on the unit speed geodesic

Return type:


geoopt.manifolds.stereographic.math.expmap(x: torch.Tensor, u: torch.Tensor, *, k: torch.Tensor, dim=-1)[source]

Compute the exponential map of \(u\) at \(x\).

The expmap is tightly related with geodesic(). Intuitively, the expmap represents a smooth travel along a geodesic from the starting point \(x\), into the initial direction \(u\) at speed \(\|u\|_x\) for the duration of one time unit. In formulas one can express this as the travel along the curve \(\gamma_{x, u}(t)\) such that

\[\begin{split}\gamma_{x, u}(0) = x\\ \dot\gamma_{x, u}(0) = u\\ \|\dot\gamma_{x, u}(t)\|_{\gamma_{x, u}(t)} = \|u\|_x\end{split}\]

The existence of this curve relies on uniqueness of the differential equation solution, that is local. For the universal manifold the solution is well defined globally and we have.

\[\begin{split}\operatorname{exp}^\kappa_x(u) = \gamma_{x, u}(1) = \\ x\oplus_\kappa \tan_\kappa(\|u\|_x/2) \frac{u}{\|u\|_2}\end{split}\]
  • x (tensor) – starting point on manifold
  • u (tensor) – speed vector in tangent space at x
  • k (tensor) – sectional curvature of manifold
  • dim (int) – reduction dimension for operations

\(\gamma_{x, u}(1)\) end point

Return type:


geoopt.manifolds.stereographic.math.expmap0(u: torch.Tensor, *, k: torch.Tensor, dim=-1)[source]

Compute the exponential map of \(u\) at the origin \(0\).

\[\operatorname{exp}^\kappa_0(u) = \tan_\kappa(\|u\|_2/2) \frac{u}{\|u\|_2}\]
  • u (tensor) – speed vector on manifold
  • k (tensor) – sectional curvature of manifold
  • dim (int) – reduction dimension for operations

\(\gamma_{0, u}(1)\) end point

Return type:


geoopt.manifolds.stereographic.math.logmap(x: torch.Tensor, y: torch.Tensor, *, k: torch.Tensor, dim=-1)[source]

Compute the logarithmic map of \(y\) at \(x\).

\[\operatorname{log}^\kappa_x(y) = \frac{2}{\lambda_x^\kappa} \tan_\kappa^{-1}(\|(-x)\oplus_\kappa y\|_2) * \frac{(-x)\oplus_\kappa y}{\|(-x)\oplus_\kappa y\|_2}\]

The result of the logmap is a vector \(u\) in the tangent space of \(x\) such that

\[y = \operatorname{exp}^\kappa_x(\operatorname{log}^\kappa_x(y))\]
  • x (tensor) – starting point on manifold
  • y (tensor) – target point on manifold
  • k (tensor) – sectional curvature of manifold
  • dim (int) – reduction dimension for operations

tangent vector \(u\in T_x M\) that transports \(x\) to \(y\)

Return type:


geoopt.manifolds.stereographic.math.logmap0(y: torch.Tensor, *, k: torch.Tensor, dim=-1)[source]

Compute the logarithmic map of \(y\) at the origin \(0\).

\[\operatorname{log}^\kappa_0(y) = \tan_\kappa^{-1}(\|y\|_2) \frac{y}{\|y\|_2}\]

The result of the logmap at the origin is a vector \(u\) in the tangent space of the origin \(0\) such that

\[y = \operatorname{exp}^\kappa_0(\operatorname{log}^\kappa_0(y))\]
  • y (tensor) – target point on manifold
  • k (tensor) – sectional curvature of manifold
  • dim (int) – reduction dimension for operations

tangent vector \(u\in T_0 M\) that transports \(0\) to \(y\)

Return type:



Numerical stability is a pain in this model. It is strongly recommended to work in float64, so expect adventures in float32 (but this is not certain).

geoopt.manifolds.stereographic.math.project(x: torch.Tensor, *, k: torch.Tensor, dim=-1, eps=-1)[source]

Safe projection on the manifold for numerical stability.

  • x (tensor) – point on the Poincare ball
  • k (tensor) – sectional curvature of manifold
  • dim (int) – reduction dimension to compute norm
  • eps (float) – stability parameter, uses default for dtype if not provided

projected vector on the manifold

Return type:
